starhouse Listings :

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Contact No : 21-68043196
Address : 2303, Xuanhuang Highway, Huinan, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China 201300 Phone: +86-21-68043196, New York, New York, United States

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Location : 2303, Xuanhuang Highway, , New York, New York, United States
Category : Real Estate » House for Sale
Description : Versatile providing food is the matter of selling arranged food from a vehicle. It is a component. A food truck or mobile kitchen china is an altered van with an inh...

Posted On : Jun 19, 2020
Listing-id : 229862
 Call for Price

Location : 2303, Xuanhuang Highway, , New York, New York, United States
Category : Real Estate » House for Sale
Description : Prefab Container House is the most adaptable and propelled idea that has changed significantly as of late. The propelled architects and home buyers have begun improv...

Posted On : Jun 10, 2020
Listing-id : 228859