Seeking Chefs, Cooks and Bartenders to make money with your talent
Oct 15, 2020 04:16:51 AM
Here are a few ideas on how to make more money from your skills, talents and expertise:
Live broadcast making an easy appetizer or drinks
Live Q & A about a special diet, menu or drink
Show them how to prepare food or drinks or do something more efficiently
Virtual cooking class with individuals and private groups
Talk about some of your favourite kitchen or bar “must-haves” or how to use certain equipment
Share your tips on how to pick out the best produce or beverages
Share a simple recipe with them to setup private cooking or bartending classes
Show them different ways to use one ingredient in multiple dishes or drinks
Live Q & A on how to become a chef or food stylist or mixologist
Do a live broadcast showing off your kitchen or bar and introduce your team (make sure it looks sanitary and somewhat clean before). People like to know the experts behind their culinary experiences
Record a video of one of the chefs on your team using a cool kitchen technique
Hopefully this list has given you some good ideas on what you can deliver on FOODIEZ LIVE. Again, it doesn’t have to be some elaborate production. It could be as simple as showcasing something, showing them how to do something or simply sharing a story about yourself as a culinary expert. (Revised from Source: ChefDeb)
FOODIEZ.LIVE is a live video network that allows culinary experts, restaurateurs, chefs, cooks, bartenders, mixologists and cooking schools to price, schedule, promote and deliver live streaming broadcasts and video calls to audiences of any size.
Register now at - and earn more money from your talents with live broadcasts and video calls at FOODIEZ.LIVE
If you would like to know more and see how we could help you during these unfortunate C0VID-19 times, please contact us directly through this posting. Contact email –