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Listing-id : 338923 
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235 Victoria Road,

Ryde, New South Wales,

Australia 2116

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Description :
Are you looking for a thrilling, high-performance remote control car? Look no further than Traxxas cars! One Stop RC Hobbies in Parramatta has the best range of Traxxas RC cars, parts, and accessories to bring your dreams and racing experience to new heights. Our range caters to all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned hobbyists, and our expertly designed RC cars are built to handle the toughest outdoor conditions with ease. With advanced technology and innovative features such as powerful motors, high-quality suspension systems, and sturdy chassis, our Traxxas RC cars are the perfect choice for any racing enthusiast. These cars are highly customisable, allowing you to modify and tweak them to your liking and racing style. Gather with other hobbyists and enthusiasts at local parks, beaches, and outdoor spaces to race and showcase your customised car. Our experienced staff can provide expert advice on how to get the most out of your Traxxas model. So what are you waiting for? Visit us via our website and get into the racing game today. Our location:
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