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Listing-id : 252607 
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198 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6004, Australia,

Perth, Western Australia,

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Description :
Visitor Visa Subclass 600- Visitor Visa Subclass 600 is a temporary visa that allows an individual to visit Australia as a tourist or to visit a friend or family already living in Australia. After lodging visa 600, you can not visit Australia for any medical or business related activities. FOr that, you can apply for any other visa available for this purpose. You can be allowed for a business activities or meetings but restrict them from selling any kind of goods and services while on visitor visa.

To get any more information about this visa or any other consultancy services then feel free to contact us at Migration Agent Perth, WA. We are the best migration agent Perth when it comes to australian visa consultancy services. THe best part about us is that we are MARA Registered Migration Agent Perth. To lodge your visa, book us and lodge your visa with us at Migration Agent Perth.
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