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Listing-id : 242290 
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198 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6004, Australia,

Perth, Western Australia,

Australia 6004

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Eta Subclass 601 also known as Electronic Travel Authority Visa Subclass 601 which is a tourist visa that allows you to stay in Australia temporarily for a duration of 12 months maximum and not more than that. With this visa, you can visit Australia for a holiday purpose and not to study or work. Also, you can visit Australia to meet your friends and family members with Visa Subclass 601.
Applying for Subclass 601 does not cost you much. Only an online application cost is charged i.e AUD 20. Visa 601 can be applied only when you are outside of Australia. The applicants applying for the eta 601 visa have to fulfill the health and character requirements. Also, the applicant should not have any due debts from the Australian government.

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