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Listing-id : 232030 
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21 Overlook Ridge Terrace, #523 Revere ,

Oakland, California,

United States 793001

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Description :
The Internet of things (IoT) enabled the devices for remote monitoring in the healthcare sector to keep patients healthy and safe and also for empowering the health caretakers to deliver extra care. Also, it has enhanced satisfaction and patient engagement as communication with doctors has become easy and efficient. IoT in healthcare projects including remote monitoring help people to reduce the length of staying at the hospital and prevent them to re-admit. IoT is changing the healthcare industry by improving devices and interaction with people in delivering healthcare solutions. Despite the monitoring of the health of patients, there are so many other sectors where IoT devices are used as they are tagged with sensors to track the real-time location of medical equipment like defibrillators, wheelchairs, oxygen pumps, nebulizers, etc. Healthcare IoT solutions help in exploring new dimensions of patient care by implementing real-time health monitoring and accessing the health data of patients.
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Phone no: 6032759923
Address: 21 Overlook Ridge Terrace, #523 Revere
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