Listing Details :
Listing-id : 242157 

Palm Oil

Oct 28, 2020 05:01:58 AM

$ 1
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N ° 200 Lot El Massar, Route de Safi 40 100 Marrakech MAROC,

New York, New York,

United States 40100

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Description :
Palm Oil
Palm oil is extracted from the mesocarp of the palm fruit. The most common palm oil is basically obtained from the palms cultivated in Southwest Africa known as Elaeis guineensis. The palm oil is produced in high yields and due to the abundance of palms in the world, this oil is used largely for cooking purposes. It has a high smoke point due to which it is used for frying purposes as well along with the manufacturing of processed foods such as baked goods and cereals etc. The oil is reddish in hue and it contains high amounts of anti-oxidants and carotenoids which are beneficial for human body.
Palm oil is famous for its ability to reduce the bad cholesterol in the body thus, preventing the chances of high blood pressure and heart diseases. It is a rich source of tocotrienols which boost the mental capabilities. For the maintenance of good vision, vitamin A is considered as an essential contributor. Nature has bestowed palm oil with beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Moreover, this oil produces such anti-oxidants that reduce the inflammation and stress form the cells.
Palm oil is mostly used for culinary purposes as it has numerous health benefits. It is used as a normal cooking oil for different types of food dishes. Care should be taken in using this oil though as some researches have shown contradictory results as well on some people. When used in appropriate quantity, palm oil indeed shows best health effects.
Where to Buy?
BioProGreen Morocco specializes in the bulk production of a variety of vegetable and essential oils. We offer worldwide export services in all types of packaging and containers to assist our valued customers. BioProGreen Morocco has the best natural and organic palm oil which can be custom packaged. Discounts are available based upon the quantity. So, if you want to buy unprocessed palm oil, BioProGreen Morocco is the best option to avail amazing discounts and offers.

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