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Listing-id : 352508 
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Description :
Importing Xtra Mail contacts and emails let you prepare your conversations smoothly in the course of transitions or backups, ensuring connectivity and business enterprise.

· Log in on your Xtra Mail account. discover the contacts phase and look for an option to export contacts. comply with the activities to export your contacts to a CSV or VCF file.

· Open your Xtra Mail inbox and pick out the emails you need to save.

· If you're transferring to a new e-mail provider, join up for an account with the new company.

· Once logged in for your new email account, navigate to the contacts section. search for a choice to import contacts and select the file you exported from Xtramail.

· For your new email account, navigate to the inbox or email settings. look for an option to import emails or messages. select the files you saved from Xtra Mail to import them into your new account.

If you encounter any problems, get help from an expert, such as a professional trainer, or seek advice on how to properly transfer your Xtra Mail contacts and emails to your new account.

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