Listing Details :
Listing-id : 219832 
$ 50
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california, Los Angeles,

Los Angeles, California,

United States 98501

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Description :
A Customer cash wrap counter is a versatile counter placed strategically in a retail store to solve myriad purposes. The counter attracts attention of customer by placing small merchandise, carrying bags and registers. A high-quality, superior finishing and L or U-shaped configuration counters are ideal to meet the needs of medium-sized retail stores and supermarkets. Though counters are mainly available in wood finishing, retail stores are free to place an order of Customer cash wrap counters as per their preferred material. The standard sizes of the counters are easily available in every online store however, if a customer has unique requirements, he needs to place a customized order. The counters made from high-quality grade material are expensive but they are durable and solve the desired purpose adequately. So, increase sale of a store by placing small merchandise packed in an attractive manner on cash counters. For getting high-quality product at cost-effective price range, make an online purchase.
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