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Listing-id : 217072 


Jan 7, 2020 00:04:02 AM

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Description :
In present time, there are many user use Facebook in your computer system, mobile and other devices in the whole world. If you have many friends, relative and you want to connect each other than You can create Facebook Group easily. But this above topic about how to delete Facebook Group.
The people have many reasons to delete your Facebook Group. If you have many members in your Facebook Group and these members has taken extremely time consuming. And these members are very disturbed you. So, you want to delete your Facebook Group. There are many methods to delete a Facebook Group.

Change the Branding and Group’s name
If you want to delete a Facebook Group then first, you should to change your Group name and you will add branding to your cover page image and access it to your Facebook page.

Group name change
• First, you will go your cover photo and click on 3 dots.
• after this, you will select Edit group setting option.
• after this, you will write a new group name and go to next
to Group Name.
• after this, change your Group name to new version. Dial Toll-Free: +1-866-558-4555.
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