Listing Details :
Listing-id : 308752 
₹ 33,500
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M/s Whirlpool of India Ltd, Whirlpool House Plot No. 40, Sector44,

Gurgaon, Haryana,

India 122002

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Description :
Shop Artisan Mini Stand Mixer (Black Matte) from at just Rs. 33,500. This Mini Stand Mixer is much lighter in weight so you can easily move it around your kitchen and has the same iconic design and power as other Tilt-Head stand mixers.

For more information regarding the product features and specifications you can visit the website.

Contact us: 800-419-0790

Email Address:

Add: KitchenAid, M/s Whirlpool of India Ltd, Whirlpool House Plot No. 40, Sector 44, Gurgaon - 122002 Haryana.
Note : If you make a call this number [ 800-419-0790 ] Please mention that you have seen this ad in Adsfeast a classifieds website.....
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