Listing Details :
Listing-id : 239633 
$ 56
Contact Details
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Falj Al Ali, Umm Al Quwain,

United-Arab-Emirates 554855

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+971 4 524 5555

Description :
At Desertcart, we have the target to break the international shopping barriers for our local customers and make their desired products available globally for them and deliver directly to their home or office in Oman.
Desertcart is the largest retailer of consumer products in the MENA Region, showcasing millions of products and their variations from major known brands across the world.
We aim to provide products at affordable prices to put your local retailer to struggle in their business.
Ranging from electronics to everyday goods to Home & Living appliances to Beauty products, Desertcart is specialist in providing all you wish right here in Oman region, straight from the USA, UK, China and Turkey markets.
We ensure all our products are compatible with the Oman region, and our returns and exchange policies are unrivalled in Oman compared with other shopping portals.
We at Desertcart guarantee for a seamless and secure shopping platform with 100 million+ products from around the globe delivered directly to your doorsteps.
We wish all the best luck for your enjoyable shopping at Desertcart.

Note : If you make a call this number [ +971 4 524 5555 ] Please mention that you have seen this ad in Adsfeast a classifieds website.....
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