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Listing-id : 238242 
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Denver, Colorado,

United States 80123

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Hi there

It can be hard to admit when we’re struggling, but right now it’s more important than ever to take the necessary steps to ensure that you or your students are fully understanding the educational material and concepts presented to them - particularly if they’re learning virtually.

With over 10 years of experience in tutoring, I’m confident that my methods can help bring you or them up to speed.

No matter what class you’re in, what areas you’re struggling to grasp, or how far behind you believe you are, I can help you work through concepts and teach you the techniques and resources you need to continue to achieve your desired grades. This includes:





-And more!

Simply visit my website today at to get started or reply to this email with any questions you might have. I’ll be happy to answer questions about my methods, my sessions, or my education so that you have all the information you need to move forward.

I look forward to speaking with you!

Junia M.
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