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How do I cancel my Scoot Flight

Jun 7, 2023 04:57:07 AM

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Sometimes plans do not work in favor, and then we have to make changes in plans as per the situation. Similarly, when travelers book a flight on a plane, there can be some chance that they have to cancel the flight ticket. So, if you have booked a seat on Scoot Airlines and some urgent work has occurred and you cannot do as planned, the best option is to cancel the flight. There are specific policies for the same which you will find further, along with canceling procedures. 

Scoot Airlines Cancellation Policy

The policies that are applied for canceling a scoot airlines flight ticket are mentioned here that you must consider before requesting the cancellation:

Passengers must request the Scoot Airlines flight cancellation before boarding the scheduled flight.
The passengers who cancel the Scoot flight before 24 hours pass from the booking time will not have to pay the cancellation charges. 
The passengers who request the cancellation after 2 hours of booking will need to pay the cancellation charges at Scoot Airlines.
Non-refundable flight tickets can be canceled for the medical conditions and death of a passenger or close relative for a refund. 
A flight ticket cancellation due to more than 5 hours of delay will be free of charge.

Procedure of Cancelling Scoot Airlines Flight

Scoot Airlines flight ticket holders get various ways to cancel their flight tickets. It is for the convenience of the passengers that they can cancel the flight with a suitable medium when they do not require to reach another destination.
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