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Listing-id : 293959 

Chatbots for Customer Support

Nov 29, 2021 05:05:37 AM

$ 9,000
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Bakersfield, California,

United States 10005

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Chatbots for Customer Support

Darcy Bickham talks about Chatbots role in a number of business solutions providing customers with the required customer experiences and help to generate leads as well. An impressive 63 percent of shopping journeys start online, and 75 percent of people shop online at least once a month. If your multi-location business hasn’t already optimized your online experience for consumers, you could be leaving dollars behind.

Chatbots – A 24/7 Customer Support Solution - Consumers expect convenience. Two out of three consumers prefer messaging a business over calling. As a multi-location marketer, a Chatbots for Customer Support solution for your business is a must. To quickly recap, a chatbot is a software application used to conduct an online chat and simulate human conversations. Through chatbots, computers can understand and respond to human input through written or spoken language. If your multi-location business isn’t already using a chatbot solution, it’s time to start! If your multi-location business already has one in place, good for you!

How to Incorporate Chatbots Into A Winning Localized Marketing Strategy - While it’s clear that chatbot solutions are non-negotiable, how can your multi-location business incorporate them into localized marketing efforts?

Deploy Chatbots for Customer Support - As mentioned in the previous section, chatbots can be leveraged as a customer support tool. Once your multi-location business chooses the right chatbots solution for its goals, you can then begin to program it. Look through the comments on social content, ratings & reviews, or utilize a social listening tool to find some of the most frequently asked questions about your business and its products and services. Once you understand what consumers care about most, you can ensure that your chatbot is programmed to answer those burning questions.

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