How can I get a new COVID-19 Vaccination Card?
Dec 17, 2021 09:52:06 AM
Covid-19 pandemic issue , Where can I buy proof of vaccination, WHERE CAN I BUY COVID-19 VACCINE CARD, This card is proof that you “got your shot”. Your vaccine record card will tell you:
Which type of vaccine you received (Pfizer,Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson).
When you got your first dose.
When to go back for your second dose (if needed).
Your vaccine provider’s name or clinic site.
Since COVID-19 is still evolving with different variants, this information might be important. So, make sure to keep your card somewhere safe. You might want to keep it in your wallet so that it is always with you. And for a backup, you can also use your smartphone to take a photo of the front and back of the card.
Don’t share your card on social media. WHERE CAN I BUYCOVID-19 VACCINE CARD.
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