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Description :
Buy Tramal (Tramadol HCL) 100mg online  Tramadol is an analgesic of central action. The drug reduces the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in nerve cells and increases the serotonergic effect. Also, the drug has a mild sedative, antitussive effect.

Tramadol is a narcotic analgesic, often prescribed for moderate and moderately severe back pain in adults. Tramadol is a synthetic analogue of codeine with less risk of abuse than other opioid analogues, and has an effect directly on the human brain, changing the body’s response to pain.
In addition to getting rid of pain, Tramadol can cause mild euphoria. Although, it is classified as a drug (opioid), it is often referred to in the medical dictionary as “narcotic-like” because it is a synthetic drug with a slightly different structure than other drugs.

Tramadol is usually prescribed for one or two weeks to reduce the likelihood of addiction. In addition, the body quickly develops tolerance to Tramadol. So, the recommended dose of the drug becomes less effective over time. If the patients are older than 75 years, the doctor may advise to observe longer intervals between doses of the drug.

Like any medical drug, Tramadol has both positive and negative effects.

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