Poly Ferric Sulfate PFS CAS No.:10028-22-560
Jul 14, 2021 12:53:46 PM
Qinnan Industrial Park, Qinyang City, Henan Province, China,
Apalachicola, Florida,
United States 454550
Product Description:
Solid Poly Ferric Sulfate (PFS) is widely used in urban water supply, industrial wastewater purification, papermaking wastewater, printing and dyeing wastewater, etc. It has the best effect in removing turbidity, decolorization, deoiling, dehydration, sterilization, deodorization, algae removal, and removal of COD, BOD and heavy metal ions in water.
Product Website: http://www.longyaochemical.com
Company Description
Qinyang Longyao Chemical Co.,Ltd
Address:HenanHenanQinyangQinnanQinnan Industrial Park, Qinyang City, Henan Province, China
Descption:Qinyang Longyao Chemical Co., Ltd. established in 2015, is one of the leading chemicals companies based in China. The company produces Na2S 20000 tons per year, NaHS 15000 tons per year and Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Hydroxide, Thiourea, Barium Sulphate Precipitated, etc.
Registered Capital:100
Qinyang Longyao Chemical Co.,Ltd
Company Website: http://www.longyaochemical.com