Hose Squeeze Grout Pump55
Jul 27, 2021 11:03:58 AM
253 Lifeng Nanhui,Zhongzhan District,Jiaozuo,Henan,China 454006,
Apalachicola, Florida,
United States 454006
Product Description:
Hose squeeze grout pump is the absorption of foreign advanced technology and it is developed of a new multi-functional, multi-purpose industrial pumps. The pump has no seal, no leakage, self-priming ability, simple structure, easy operation and maintenance features.
Product Website: http://www.keluesolutions.com
Company Description
Henan Sinch Machinery Co.,Ltd
Address:HENANHENANJIAOZUOZhongzhan253 Lifeng Nanhui,Zhongzhan District,Jiaozuo,Henan,China 454006
Descption:Henan Sinch machiney with 19 years professional production experience of shocrete machine,grout pump and rebar bending machine and beam bending machine.Kelue machiney is using widely in tunnels,mines,bridges,subway,slope stabilization,engineering and hydro power station construction.
Registered Capital:500
Henan Sinch Machinery Co.,Ltd
Contact:Monica Zhang
Company Website: http://www.keluesolutions.com