Home Air Purifier with HEPA Filter29
Oct 9, 2021 12:29:55 PM
613th Tainan Rd, Dongchong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, 511453, PR. China.,
Apalachicola, Florida,
United States 511453
Product Description:
HEPA filters capture variously sized particles within a multi-layered netting usually made out of very fine fiberglass threads (much thinner than the size of a human hair strand!) with varying sized gaps.
Product Website: https://www.backnatureairpurifier.com/air-purifier/home-air-purifier/home-air-purifier-with-hepa-filter.html
Company Description
Guangzhou Haike Electronics Technology Co,. Ltd.
Address:GuangdongGuangdongGuangzhouNansha613th Tainan Rd, Dongchong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, 511453, PR. China.
Descption:Originating from the infinite love of air and water and the respect for life, BackNature adhering to the brand concept of “Focus on Healthcare Home Appliances”, is guided by consumer demand, conforms to the trend of economic transformation and upgrading, and promotes “China's Smart Manufacturing 2025” plan. As the leader and pioneer of the healthcare home appliances revolution, BackNature focuses on "Small Appliances-Big Health", and drives the "health appliances return to nature" corporate strategy, which fully responds to and promotes the development of the global healthcare home appliance industry, and helps the global health index and social civilization progress.
Registered Capital:100
Guangzhou Haike Electronics Technology Co,. Ltd.
Contact:Wu Shujuan
Company Website: http://www.backnatureairpurifier.com