Get Best TuneOMatic Bridge at FaberUSA Store
Dec 17, 2020 08:52:12 AM
From the tone lock series, you can choose the Faber bridge replacement. The tone lock range comes in the same size as the ABR range and this has no gap technology so the bridge is fastened to the body and it enhances the stability. It also vibrates more and improves sustain. The tone lock model is for import models, Gibson guitars (custom shop/ Nashville bridges and vintage)
For replacing the Parts for Gibson Guitars you can get a TP-59 stop tailpiece for upgrading. TP-59 is made of aluminum and gives the tone which nickel or zinc die-cast tailpieces give.
For the one-piece wrap around Style Bridge, you can choose Faber Guitar Parts.
Get the perfect best tuneOMatic bridge online to upgrade your guitar. You can also buy other guitar parts to upgrade your guitar.
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