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Listing-id : 299060 
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Aldergrove, British Columbia,



Description :
Enter your email, then check your email to download the app. (Watch short video)


Message me if you are interested in becoming partner.

What Is this???

For starters, ask yourself a question..... How many apps on your phone pay you for having it on your phone?

Probably zero huh?

Well why is that? -- and.. most likely, the app you downloaded was free. If it was free, how does the app company make money?

That is the magic question.......

They make money off of you... YOU are the product if it is free. Look at Facebook.... and all the other apps that we GIVE our content to.. We give our names, DOB's and access to everything on our phones.. our contacts ect.

These apps make a killing off our data, and we do not get a cent of it.... Until now.

Most of these apps sell our data to bigger companies, one of them being Complimentics, based out in Chicago. The awesome thing about this is that, Complimnetics has decided to create their own app, but for the people.. and wanted to be upfront and straight forward about it, and pay the people directly for their anonymous location data.

--Your device ID is all that is taken, and used as a dot on the map, to monetize collective data, to get insight on where people go to shop ect.

This is very valuable information and data points that will help a lot of people into this realm, and see where the money is.....

Yeah, if you have Google Play Store, or Apple Play store... Inside there is a lot of money... business enterprise..... Get your share.

You are paid for App installs as well, and that is Residual income.

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to know more!


Name: Ramon Dockins


Phone:- +13173953675
Note : If you make a call this number [ +13173953675 ] Please mention that you have seen this ad in Adsfeast a classifieds website.....
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